Sing Unto God and Heilig will be scanned for those that don’t have music Sing Unto God ⁃ There is an Alto and Tenor Solo ⁃ Put a lil punch with any 16th notes ⁃ Worked rhythm from m25 thru end ⁃ Began site singing at m50 ⁃ Watch whole rest in m50 and m51 ⁃ Altos watch intervals in m56 and m57 (to crowns) ⁃ Phrasing for crown - “aw” vowel (m61 thru m63) ⁃ Keep all phrasing very “British” ⁃ Flip “R” in the word praise Evening Prayer ⁃ Site sang thru full piece ⁃ “Ooh” (p13) sung as “oh” ⁃ Altos m15 change D# to D natural ⁃ Tenors m121 change D# to D natural ⁃ Altos m131 change F# to F natural ⁃ No breathing on chord changes - STAGGER BREATHING IS A MUST (m98 thru m141) ⁃ Dang thru the end of the piece Heilig ⁃ Sop1 Alto1 Tenor1 and Baritone are choir 1 ⁃ Sop2 Alto2 Tenor 2 and Bass are choir 2 A Musicological Journey ⁃ Pg 15 #7 - Altos sing with tenors thru m8 ⁃ Worked rhythm for #8 (9/8 time) ⁃ You can find the recording online Link for piece: Other Notes ⁃ Retreat Sept 8th from 2 to 5 pm at Florida Southern ⁃ Listen to all pieces - links will be sent ⁃ If you are interested in solos be listening to those pieces ⁃ No rehearsal Sept 2nd ⁃ If you are sick please do not come to rehearsal ⁃ If you believe you have Covid or test positive for it, PLEASE STAY HOME and do not come to rehearsal Comments are closed.
December 2024