Dear Singers,
What wonderful accomplishments you had last night!! All of us (LCS, girl's choir, orchestra, conductor) learned a lot - and the rough spots we experienced and (mostly) conquered were part of the journey to a great dress rehearsal on Saturday and final concert. Because of the late hour at rehearsal's end, there wasn't enough time to emphasize a few items; so here they are: 1. The program goes to print, but there is still time to include late-breaking ad/donor recognition. We've received about 3 generous donations, but we've generally had more. If you think you might have a friend, a business, a philanthropist who would help support our musical projects, please make the contact now! I need information by tomorrow, midday, but there's still time. 2. Talk it up!! Advance ticket sales are the best way to get people to show up. [In May, Jean and I attended an afternoon performance of Renaissance/early Baroque choral music in Amsterdam's Concertgebouw. It was sold out!!! Let's do that in Lakeland too.] 'Nuff said. 3. Enormous praise to the 70+% who were looking up, out of their music last night!! I believe that you all sensed how vital it is to watch the baton, rather than depend on your neighbors for entrances and tempos. When we unified our feeling of pulse and vitality, the music came alive. Many thanks. 4. For both clarity and drama, please mark a lift (a 1/16th rest) after the word "Glory," m. 137, p. 14 of the Te Deum. 5. Plan to be quietly present by 9:45 a.m., Saturday, in order to find seating (and adjust, if necessary). Downbeat at 10:00. 6, And just in case, the schedule: Saturday Nov. 14 10 a.m.-noon Combined Choirs/orchestra Branscomb stage Sunday Nov. 14 2 p.m. Choral Call-time Choral Room 3 p.m. CONCERT! Branscomb Monday(s) Nov. 30-Dec.14 7 p.m. Rehearsals resume Choral Room This promises to be a wonderful concert. Thanks for the important role each of you plays in the music of the LCS. See you soon! Larry Comments are closed.
September 2024