Check out last week’s notes for the “Bring Me Little Water Silvy” body percussion and the week before for “Gospel Mass” conducted by the composer, Robert Ray.
Sopranos Bring Me Little Water Silvy
Altos Bring Me Little Water Silvy
Tenors: Bring Me Little Water Silvy · Tenors sing the Alto 2 part · The “B” section starts higher than you may think · Bucket in “HER” hand, not “my” Gospel Mass · Agnus Dei o There is a tenor solo at the beginning of the piece. o Tenor section sings the top notes of the bass line until m.26 · Sanctus o Practice m. 23-30. Tricky fast rhythms and text o Pg. 45, m 47, elide praise and sing together o Pg 46, m 52, ever part releases together Basses Bring Me Little Water, Silvy · Basses sing the "tenor" line · M. 11-12 sing "bucket in her hand" instead of "bucket in my hand" Gospel Mass · Agnus Dei o Practiced the whole section o M. 45 basses do not sing o M. 5-25 the basses sing on the 2nd time only · Sanctus o Practiced the whole section o m. 47 beat 4 is a different rhythm than the upper three voice parts o M. 52 cut-off on beat 2 o M. 44 cut-off on beat 3 We had an excellent showing for Bring-a-Friend night on Monday! Thank you to all who brought someone. We hope they consider joining!
Here are a couple videos of “Bring Me Little Water Sylvie,” a folk song from the American south, which we started learning at rehearsal this week. If you’d like some extra practice to feel comfortable with the body percussion, the third video is a tutorial that can help. Bring Me Little Water, Silvy – Zero8 & Bel Canto Choir Vilnius Bring Me Little Water, Sylvie Women of the Sea Chanters Chorus Bring Me Little Water, Silvy [Body Percussion Tutorial w/Moira Smiley] General Rehearsal Notes: -Please look over the “Bring Me Little Water, Sylvie” videos above. We practiced the first eight beats of the 16 beat body percussion pattern and learned the A section of the song by rote, without using music. This is a song that would traditionally be passed orally generation to generation without sheet music. -We reviewed notes for the second movement of American Tapestry, and started learning notes for the third movement. -We reviewed notes for the second movement of the Gospel Mass and started learning notes for the third movement. -Please study the portions of both American Tapestry and Gospel Mass that were reviewed at rehearsal so notes are confident next week. Sopranos: American Tapestry (II. Celebration) Crescendo on do? m.19 into m.20 and decrescendo on do? m.23 into m.24 Don't start so loud at m.18 so there is room to grow on the crescendo Match the men's dynamic level when women come in at m.34 Gospel Mass (II. Gloria) Crescendo on glory in m.15 Altos:Gospel Mass (II. Gloria) Listen for same “oooh” shape Watch out for key changes Diction Dynamic contrast on longer notes Tenors: No notes submitted from section leader Basses: American Tapestry (II. Celebration) m. 10-17 Keep the "skips" crisp and articulate m. 51-52 unison m. 68 watch the rhythm Gospel Mass (II. Gloria) m. 2 hold the "est" of "high-est" for its full value into the next measure m. 15 crescendo from "glo" to “ry" m. 37 Watch the piano volume m. 44 don't forget about the repeat
1. Concert Videos are located on this website, under the "Media" page or click the link: Media - Lakeland Choral Society
2. First Spring Rehearsal is now: January 20, 2025, 7pm-8:30pm. (NOT 1/13/25). 3. Our Christmas Party will be on Monday 12/16. Please click the link below to sign up to bring a dish or item to share. DETAILS: 12/20/24. 6pm. United Women's Club, 1515 Williamsburg Square, Lakeland, FL 4. If you plan on caroling on 12/20/24 at Lakeside Village, please sign up below: Details: Meet in the south parking lot next to the movie theater and Gaskins. 6pm Rehearsal - In the parking lot. 7pm Caroling begins Click on the PDFs to Download (and print if preferred) the Christmas Carols for the 12/20 performance. Hard copies of the music will also be available for pickup at the 11/25, 12/2 and 12/7 rehearsals. Click on the links below for rehearsal tracks.
CLICK THIS BUTTON FOR THE SHEET MUSIC: CHRISTMAS CAROLS PDF CLICK THE LINKS BELOW FOR REHEARSAL TRACKS: Soprano - Angels We Have Heard On High Alto - Angels We Have Heard On High Tenor - Angels We have Heard On High Bass - Angels We have Heard on High Starting Pitches - Angels We Have Heard on High Soprano - O Little Town of Bethlehem Alto - O Little Town of Bethlehem Tenor - O Little Town of Bethlehem Bass - O Little Town of Bethlehem Starting Pitches - O Little Town of Bethlehem Soprano - Silent Night Alto - Silent Night Tenor - Silent Night Bass - Silent Night Starting Pitches - Silent Night Soprano - Joy to the World Alto - Joy to the World Tenor - Joy to the World Bass - Joy to the World Starting Pitches - Joy to the World Soprano - The First Noel Alto - The First Noel Tenor - The First Noel Bass - The First Noel Starting Pitches - The First Noel Soprano - O Come All Ye Faithful Alto - O Come All Ye Faithful Tenor - O Come All Ye Faithful Bass - O Come All Ye Faithful Starting Pitches - O Come All Ye Faithful Soprano - We Wish You A Merry Christmas Alto - We Wish You A Merry Christmas Tenor - We Wish You A Merry Christmas Bass - We Wish You A Merry Christmas Starting Pitches - We Wish You A Merry Christmas Soprano - Hark the Herald Alto - Hark the Herald Tenor - Hark the Herald Bass - Hark the Herald Starting Pitches - Hark the Herald
Join your fellow Choral members and their families for food, fun, music and fellowship! Sign up below for what you're going to bring to share with the group!
Date: December 16th, 2024 Time: 6 PM Location: United Women's Club 1515 Williamsb3urg Square Lakeland, FL 33803 Sign up for the Christmas Potluck Here: |
December 2024